Unbox your business

Get simple, powerful business applications that are ready to go. Sit back and watch your company grow.

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    Azure DevOps

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    Power BI

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    Power Automate

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    Power Pages

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    Logic Apps

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    Dynamics 365

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    Power Apps

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    Power Virtual Agents

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    Power FX

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But first:

Forget everything you thought you knew about Microsoft

Let bygones be bygones. And let Microsoft sweep your business off its feet.
Microsoft’s latest apps and low-code dev tools are helping SMBs like yours create empires in their own special corners of the market.
And you’re up next.

The products are not the point

It’s about the possibilities.
Microsoft doesn’t push shiny tools that look great on the outside but don’t fit your use case. What you get is an open-ended platform that lets you build the tools your business needs. You just need a hand to make it happen.
We’ll help you build easy-to-use applications that are tailor-made for your processes.

When it comes to interoperability,
Microsoft takes the cake

Which makes for a much sweeter way to run your business.

Build anything. Make it all work together:

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    Customer relationship management (CRM)

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    AI-powered virtual agents

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    Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities

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    Web development

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    Business intelligence (BI)

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    Project management

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    Content management systems (CMS)

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    Workflow automation

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    Digital marketing

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    Anything else that suits your fancy

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It’s more than an ecosystem. It’s an eco-symphony that frees you up to focus on the only thing that matters: acquiring customers.

  • Grow and scale on demand

    Go to market at speeds that make heads turn

    Cut 12 weeks’ production time down to 2.* Reduce the number of dependencies. Move quicker than your competitors and seize market share.

    *results achieved by a real company, as reported in The Business Value of Migrating and Modernizing with Microsoft Azure, Sept. 2022

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  • Security that never sleeps

    Enjoy built-in security and stop chasing a moving target

    Today’s threat landscape is changing fast. A do-it-yourself approach will have holes.
    Microsoft invests $20 billion annually into cybersecurity. Rather than struggle to keep up with security risks, lean on Microsoft’s cybersecurity features that never sleep.

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  • Become an example to your industry

    Sustainable is the new sexy

    Running an efficient eco-conscious operation is not just good for the planet. It’s good for your pocketbook. (And your PR.)
    With Microsoft leading sustainability in tech, you can weave GreenOps protocols into the fabric of your organization.

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  • Done-for-you infrastructure

    Drive revenue instead of running servers

    All the time you used to spend babysitting bare metal can now go into growing your empire.
    No need to worry about infrastructure. Simply consume resources in Azure. Pay only for what you use.

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Join the next generation of businesses

Microsoft is at the frontier of reinventing business for the future. Talk to your expert at eigercloud for a gameplan on how to make the most of it.

Did you know ...

Microsoft is the leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms?

Ahead of:
  • Salesforce
  • AWS
  • Zoho
  • Google
  • IBM
  • and a host of other contenders

Check out the Gartner report

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