Run your business the way it was always meant to run.

Create your business command center with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Run your business the way it was always meant to run.

Say goodbye to silos with a single platform

For too long, software vendors have been selling you standalone systems that are either too large or too limited. This leaves businesses with a bunch of half-used apps that are not talking to each other.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform have solved this problem.
Now you can build your custom business system that fits your operations perfectly. And changing it up as your business evolves is easy as 1-2-3.

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    Build only the Dynamics modules you need

    From Human Resource Management to Sales to Marketing Automation, you can start as small as you want. Experiment and test. Without code or crazy upfront costs.

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    Enrich your Dynamics suite as you grow

    As your business gets more complex, add new modules and adapt. Keep your business simple by connecting all your systems in one place.

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    Pay only for what your business uses

    No more outrageous licensing costs for overkill tiers that don’t suit your company. Microsoft Dynamics lets you customize. And you pay only for the Azure cloud computing you actually use.

Microsoft Dynamics for startups and small businesses

Every business function you could possibly want or need. In one powerful hub.

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    When your marketing is not a separate function but connected to every other business function, your campaigns will be backed by insights that drive results.

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    Customer Service

    Tap into Microsoft’s latest generative AI to assist, augment, and automate your service processes. Use data to put your customers first

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    When your whole business is connected, financial transparency becomes much easier. And costs become much more predictable.

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    Supply chain management

    Supply chain management Bring your supply chain into the 21st century with unparalleled visibility, analytics, and automation.

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    MS Dynamics 365 has everything you need to sell products online. Deliver exceptional buyer experiences with data-driven e-commerce.

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    Cybersecurity is a massive headache for businesses. But it doesn’t have to be if you’re choosing an ecosystem that’s already fortified against threats.

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    Human Resources

    Bring down walls between HR and the rest of the organization by centralizing all HR-related modules.

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    Project Operations

    Finally use project management tools and resources that are in line with how your company runs.

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    Give your sales representatives the right tools, insights, and AI capabilities to close more sales.

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Get only the components you care about. Easily add more as your needs change.

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It’s called Dynamics because it moves with your business

(At least that’s why we love the name Dynamics. You’re welcome, Microsoft.)

  • Start small and grow at your own pace

    MS Dynamics fits any size organization because you can customize it completely. Since this system can evolve with you, you won’t have to overhaul it or start over. Your command center will scale with you.

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  • Become data driven (for real)

    Vendor data, marketing data, sales data, customer data - it’s all connected. MS Dynamics will help you connect your data so you can get a holistic picture of your business. And help your team make smarter decisions.

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  • Pricing that doesn’t make your CFO sweat

    The Microsoft Dynamics pricing model is granular and predictable. Billing is per tenant/user per month. Best of all, you can scale up or down as needed. No nasty licensing fees. No more overpaying for features you don’t want.

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  • Keep your business secure

    Fewer vendors = less security risk. MS Dynamics 365 reduces your attack surface, because you’re not spreading your business across multiple SaaS products each with their own security practices. Microsoft spends a hefty amount of money every year into keeping your data secure.

    Keep your business secure

Get your Dynamics 365 suite built by professionals who use it every day

There for you every step of the way

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    your environment, processes, and goals

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    what components you need for a successful command center

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    your custom D365 environment

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    your D365 rollout with check-ins and support