Don’t let your techies tinker their way to a financial black hole

Oh, is that what it takes to get your attention? ;-)

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We feel you:

You’re under the gun to keep costs down

You can appreciate the “benefits of digital transformation.” But you’re not in the mood for ugly surprises. You need budget spend to be predictable, the company to stay profitable. Especially in this economic climate.
Is there an IT partner out there who doesn’t act like money grows on trees?

Masterful Swiss engineering meets shrewd business sense

We’re quite confident we can be that unicorn you’re looking for. Get the best of both worlds—where investing in technology actually pays dividends for your business.
Here are just a few things we can help you with:

  • Generate reports that are right on the money

    Microsoft has all the building blocks we need to create kick-a$$ analytics. To a striking degree of accuracy and precision.

    • Generate laser-sharp insights
    • Eliminate guesswork, errors, and discrepancies
    • Shrink the time between insight, decision, and action

    We’ll help you architect a sleek system that connects your data sources and gets all departments on the same page.

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  • Win the race against costs

    Have you been hearing rumors about cost overruns in cloud? Or a “mass exodus” from cloud?
    That’s because just like anything, the cloud can turn into a mismanaged mess. And it’s common in big enterprises that struggle to keep an eye on their resource consumption.
    But you’re not a large enterprise. And as your partner, we can keep your infrastructure consumption costs dialed in so you’re not overpaying for what you’re getting.

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  • Skip expensive trial and error that likes to burn holes in pockets

    Sunk costs suck.
    Rather than let your company guess their way to a solution that only half-works, partner with a team that has 20/20 vision across the digital landscape.
    We don’t just architect, engineer, code, configure, deploy, test, and monitor. We do it for the sake of your desired business outcomes.

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  • Look savvy to stakeholders and investors

    Running a tight ship and having every report at your fingertips will:

    • Get stakeholder seal of approval
    • Amp up attention from investors
    • Make you a magnet for mergers and acquisitions
    Not to mention—your career and track record as CFO will look shiny. You may even want to rebrand as “Chief Fortune Officer.” (We’re mildly kidding, but you get the point.)
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Make calculated decisions and get those numbers to say your name

Whether it’s forecasting, risk management, cost control, or raising capital. Excel at all of it with cloud native solutions tailored to how you want the business to run.

And if you’re skeptical, don’t worry, you’re in good company.
We wouldn’t be where we are without a good dose
of Swiss skepticism. ;-)